Thursday, May 31, 2007

Question For Democratic Candidates ...

Do you plan to lead the country in restoring Constitutional Liberties by pushing to actually rewrite the following Bush Laws that deprived them?

I speak of the following:

The Military Commissions Act, ;

The Domestic Security Enhancement Act, ;

The "Patriot" Acts I and II ;

Abuse of "Signing Statements," .

ALL give Dictatorial powers to the Executive Branch of the US Government. Obviously this was never intended in the Constitution. Actually it is expressly forbidden.

Are you going to change these laws or keep them and keep the power?

Friday, May 18, 2007

Why Can’t We Talk About 911?

Why can’t we talk about 911 in this country without being labeled “Truthers,” or “Moonbats,” or “Conspiracy Theorists,” or “Unpatriotic,” ad infinitum?

Why can’t we talk about it? Just talk about it. Why is that bad?

Why is it bad if we have questions? Why is it bad if we want some more answers? Why is it bad if we don’t agree on exactly what happened? Why is it bad that even if “we don’t have the evidence” we have intuitive thought on some of the issues for which little is known.

911 happened to us all. It was a tragedy to us all. When did meaningful discussion die in this country? What are the motivations of the people who try to stifle it?

I don’t know exactly what happened on 911. Why is it a thought crime to say that? Why is it taboo?

“Just don’t talk about it,” seems to be the societal norm around 911. I recognize that as one of the signs of the grief process -- Denial.

Isn’t it time we move to the next phase of grief? We’re stuck.