Monday, August 27, 2007

Digg Dream Headline Checklist

Rumsfeld Resigns: Check ... 11/08/2006
Rove Resigns: Check ... 08/13/2007
Gonzales Resigns: Check ... 08/27/2007
Cheney Resigns: Check ... 09/11/2007
Bush Resigns: Check ... 09/11/2007

Let the National Nightmare end completely.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Abortion and Gay Marriage Are Red Herring Issues – Time To Move On

How long have politicians been arguing about abortion and gay marriage? Too long in my opinion. I personally am tired of it. They use these two issues to avoid real discussion of all the other issues they need to be talking about and acting on.

Politicians need to take a dose of reality, and here it is. Women will never allow the US to reverse course and start banning decisions they make about their own body. If abortion was banned we would see a revolution is this country, headed by women. Politicians know this. They need to publicly accept it and move on. Late stage abortion is a separate topic and seems barbaric to me unless the woman’s life is in danger. Let’s get a consensus on a cut-off time and move on.

Gays should be able to have civil unions nationwide, with all the entitlements of marriage. As the old joke goes, “Let them be miserable like the rest of us.” If they want to commit to a domestic partnership they should have the legal entitlements that go along with that. Sooner or later they’ll have it anyway. Let’s accept the facts, stay out of other people’s sexuality and move on.

For those who think the above two matters of discussion are a “sin,” that’s fine. I have one thing to say to you, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Case closed. It’s between them and God, just like it is with all the rest of us. Time to move on.

It’s time to move beyond these two issues of endless debate and get to the other issues at hand. They are legion. We need to move on them.