Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What Is Victory in Iraq?

In a recent thread on Digg the following question was asked, “What needs to take place in order for us to attain Victory in Iraq?”

A known satirist (at least to me), tried to muster an educated shot at the raw conservative response. I obtained his permission to republish it here.

“Well, just like Cheney said, we’ve done a great job over there so far and we will continue to do a great job, no matter what anyone has to say about it, especially Liberals who are all Terrorist Supporters, Troop Haters and Treasonous Cowards.

In fact, I agree with Newt Gingrich, I think we should put legal limitations on so called “Progressive” speech. It’s providing comfort to our enemies when people don’t agree with Newt’s vision.

I know most Americans don’t want to hear this but Victory in Iraq is going to take 30 to 40 years. We need to make them into an American style Democracy. I mean think about it, we are still in Germany all these years after WWII. We’re still in Korea too.

This is a long term thing folks and the Democrats need to quit acting like the big pussies they are.

It’s also looking like Victory in Iraq is going to have to include Victory in Iran. You know, that Shia thing. Then again, you probably don’t understand. You don’t know about GeoPolitics, I do.

Victory will have taken place when Iraq looks like an Arab Japan, and any Islamofascists who have a problem with that are dead.”

I think it’s a question we must all ask ourselves. So I pose the question to conservatives, who seem to be the biggest fans of the war in Iraq. What is Victory in Iraq? And what about the above response is inaccurate?